Talemm is committed to fulfilling its environmental, legal, and other requirements, for the protection of the environment, prevention of pollution, and other commitments relevant to the Company. Talemm is also committed to continual improvement of its environmental management system (EMS) to enhance its environmental performance.
Talemm’s EMS enables the setting of environmental objectives for the Company to focus on areas of key importance, to ensure the Company meets business needs and the needs of interested parties, and address internal and external issues for the Company.
All personnel, contractors, suppliers, and visitors, are responsible for meeting the environmental standards of the Company and legal and other obligations.
In addition to the above, Talemm is committed to the following:
- Ensuring the Company’s environmental aspects and impacts are understood and managed, and enabling a workplace with work methods that are safe and sustainable for the environment
- Implementing any environmental protection regulations, associated National, State, and local authority requirements, as well as development applications, consent conditions, and any additional customer contractual requirements associated with environment management
- Setting environmental goals and strategies for areas that could have environmental impact, including lifecycle considerations, and ensuring our work activities do not impact outside our controlled areas, and that all equipment tools and machinery are maintained and safe for the environment
- Providing processes for identifying environmental hazards, assessing risks, and controlling environmental impacts, including minimising the emission of polluted runoff, dust, and noise from our premises, facilities, and equipment, by use of maintenance and protective measures
- Providing processes for consultation with workers and interested parties to keep these parties informed and involved in decisions that may affect environmental management
- Providing information, training, and supervision, to all workers responsible for implementing environmental management and planning for potential environmental emergency situations. and managing incidents that could cause adversely impact on the environment
We will never allow operational profit to take precedence over environmental management. If there is a conflict, we are all responsible for choosing environmental management and protection first. We, together with Talemm’s Directors and Managers, support that choice.
This Environmental Policy is important for environmental management, and will be displayed and communicated across Talemm business operations. The Policy will be regularly reviewed to ensure it remains relevant, appropriate, and aligned to the Company’s values, commitments, and goals.
Duncan Goodridge, Director, Talemm Tim Milfull, Director, Talemm