Talemm is committed to providing a safe and healthy workplace. We want to ensure work health and safety (WHS) obligations are met, and hazards eliminated or, where this is not practicable, managed so that incidents and injury are prevented. This WHS Policy confirms our commitments and expectations.

Our WHS Management System (WHSMS) is designed to meet the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 OH&S management Systems. All personnel are expected to comply with the spirit and letter of WHS legislation, and the Company’s WHS expectations. WHS management is the responsibility of all who work for the Company.

  • Officers of Talemm must exercise due diligence in relation to WHS management. Talemm must ensure its duties as the person conducting the business or undertaking (PCBU) are met by (as relevant):
  • Providing a safe workplace, safe equipment, safe working conditions, and safe work practices
  • Ensuring resources and support are available for managing and ensuring WHS
  • Encouraging and respecting contributions to improve WHS by workers, including contractors
  • Providing information, training, and supervision, and ensuring workers have the competencies to perform their work safely
  • Putting in place arrangements to ensure that safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE) are available and used where needed
  • Ensuring emergency planning and effective incident reporting, management, and investigation measures are in place
  • Implementing actions to prevent the re-occurrence of any incidents
  • Monitoring workers’ health and the work environment
  • Monitoring and reporting on WHS management
  • Maintaining an aim of continuous improvement in WHS outcomes

Managers, supervisors, and workers, including contractors, are expected to fulfil their WHS duties by:

  • Working in a way that ensures the health and safety of themselves and others
  • Following safe work practices, procedures, instructions, and rules
  • Participating in training, WHS meetings, and other WHS activities
  • Identifying and rectifying unsafe conditions, or reporting these and incidents that come to their attention

Visitors, contractors, and others we work with must take reasonable care of their own health and safety, follow reasonable directions, and ensure they do not affect the health and safety of others. This WHS Policy is important and will be communicated across our business. The WHS Policy will be reviewed to ensure it remains relevant, appropriate, and aligned with our values, commitments, and goals.

Duncan Goodridge, Director, Talemm                 Tim Milfull, Director, Talemm    

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